How to use the countdown in Apollo framework?

How to use the countdown in Apollo framework?

The following tutorial is going to show how to configure the count down.

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Apollotheme - a website where you can find the best shopify theme and Extensions as well. We are proud of our professional themes, extensions. With long-term experience working on Opensource, we have created a number of great extensions for Shopify like: Apollo Shopify Framework, Apollo Shopify Megamenu Module ...

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General configurations:

For configure the count down featured, normally, you can go to Admin -> Themes -> Customize theme -> Apollo Product Count Down - Daily Deal to configure

- Check/unCheck Enable Product Count Down to enable/disable the count down function.

- Check/unCheck Enable Collection Pages to enable/disable the count down function in collection page.

- Check/unCheck Enable Product Detail Pages to enable/disable the count down function in product detail page.

Create the deal page

1/ Create the deal page:

To create the deal page, you can go to Admin -> Pages -> Add page -> create new page with the template suffix is

2/ Configure:

You can go to Admin -> Themes -> Customize theme -> Apollo Product Count Down - Daily Deal to configure

Product deals

( Have 2 options to create the product deals )

Option 1: Use the configuration

You can go to Admin -> Themes -> Customize theme -> Apollo Product Count Down - Daily Deal to configure

The format example: 421783601@10/24/2015_00:00:00 - Product_ID@month/day/year_hour:minute:second ( 421783601 is product ID, you can see in the url link at Admin -> Products -> select product) , you can use the [space] to split each items

Options 2: Use the product tag

You can go to Admin -> Products -> Select product -> add tag, the format example: dealday_2018-12-30T00:00:00 - dealday_year-month-dayThour:minute:second


Hope this tutorial is helpful for you while developing your e-Commerce Shopify site. Access Forum or send us email through the Contact Form. We will try to solve your issues as soon as possible (within 2 days).