How to add specific content in product page?

How to add specific content in product detail page?

The following tutorial is going to show how to add specific content in product detail page.

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1/ Install the applications (for add new metafield).

Shopify system default doesn't support for specific content, except product's description, so you need to create new fields for each product, below are 2 free applications for you to do that:

1/ Shopify FD, or you can install Chrome extension here

2/ Metafields editor: you can install this apps in your shop.

If you don't know what is metafield, you can refer here

2/ Add a new metafield (specific content)

A/ If you use Shopify FD (chrome extension)

You can go to product page, click ShopifyFD extension icon

Then, enter variable like below:

namespace: apc_description2 (you can replace this by your variable, but it must synch in step 3)

key: content (you can replace this by your variable, but it must synch in step 3)

value: enter your specific content may be HTML, shortcode,...

Remember: Click Save button at the bottom, NOT the one on the top right

B/ If you use Metafield Editor (Shopify application)

You can go to Metafield Editor, select product and enter variable like Shopify FD:

namespace: apc_description2 (you can replace this by your variable, but it must synch in step 3)

key: content (you can replace this by your variable, but it must synch in step 3)

value: enter your specific content may be HTML, shortcode,...

3/ Add new code in product detail. (to show specific content)

- Example: I want show specific content in 2nd tab on product page (like demo), so I will go Themes -> HTML/CSS -> product.liquid

- I added below code in position where I want to show 2nd tab content:

{% if product.metafields.apc_description2.content != blank %}  {% comment %} if this value isn't blank  {% endcomment %}
	{{ product.metafields.apc_description2.content }} {% comment %} print specific value {% endcomment %}
{% endif %}

The code which I've added have form: product.metafields.namespace.key

So, in above example, apc_description2 is namespace, content is key

( You can replace apc_description2 and content by your namespace and your key ) but it must synch in step 2

Click Save and see your result


Hope this tutorial is much of help for you while developing your e-Commerce Shopify site. Forum or send us email through the Contact Form or send directly to the following email. We will try to answer and solve problems for you as soon as possible (within 2 days)