How to manage filter in sidebar?

How to manage filter in sidebar.

The following tutorial is going to show how to manage filter in sidebar

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1/ Change the configurations.

First is config the filter

Usually, you can find settings in Admin -> Customize theme -> Sidebar -> Scoll to SHOP BY CATALOG

Enable : check/uncheck to turn on/off the filter

Multiple Filter : if you check this value, the filter is: value 1 and value 2 and value 3 and ...

Multiple Filter : if you uncheck this value, the filter is: value 1 or value 2 or value 3 or ...

Shop by Catalog title : change title of this block

Class : you can add some class for style with CSS or responsive, you can input "hidden-xs" to hidden block on mobile

Size, Price, Color: You can change title and enter your value filter in each field

Click Save to save your change.

2/ Add tags in product.

After config the filter, you need add tags in each product

- Goto: Admin -> Products -> Products -> select product -> add tags

- Click Save to save your change.


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