AP Mixstore

Shopify Responsive Theme - Userguide


Here are some basics on installing, configuring and customizing the Mixstore,


The theme and the sample data is provided "as is". Customizing code and other design related issues can be done as freelance work on a $50-100 hourly rate only with Paypal and/or Skrill, if Mixstore's available. If you are new to Shopify, please understand I cannot fix your site for free. Apollotheme would love to help everyone but there is no time. I suggest reading documentation available online regarding using Shopify, server requirements, etc.

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Have a wonderful rest of your day!

Apollotheme Team


Responsive Shopify theme "Mixstore" is an elegant eCommerce Shopify Mixstore theme that charms your stores with the professional design, a sleek layout and functional features. The site makeover is well suited for Mixstores about clothing, shoes, glasses and accessories.
At the first glance, you may fall for the beautiful imagery display of "Mixstore" which is catchy, smooth and mostly animated. "Mixstore" supports responsive web design along with Off-canvas menu for mobile device accessibility."Mixstore" also settings to get your store in multiple store views.

Getting Started

Getting up and running with Providence is quick and easy. Simply create a Shopify account, purchase the theme and upload it. You'll then have the opportunity to customize it to your liking before publishing it as your main theme.
If that sounds like a lot, don't worry… each step is outlined in detail below and it's entirely possible to go from scratch to a store running Providence in under ten minutes!

Creating a Shopify Account

If you already have a Shopify account then you can skip ahead to the next section. If you're considering setting up a store but haven't done so yet, read on.
Shopify is a hosted ecommerce solution that allows you to set up and run your own online store. Pick an ecommerce website template (preferably from us!), list your products, accept credit card orders, and ship your goods — all with a few clicks of the mouse. With Shopify it's easy to sell online and there's no software to download or maintain.
Interested in giving Shopify a try? Click the button below for a free 14 day trial.

Start a free, no-risk, 14 day Shopify trial. Create your store now


Purchasing Providence

You could buy theme at providers such as: ThemeForest , Shopify ...

Installing Providence

After you have followed the 'Purchasing Providence' steps above, you can download your theme and easily install your own theme for your online store based on our guideline below.


- Below is the image size we used in demo (You can refer them to build your website)
- You must upload/import images had the same size. The product’s image must had the same ratio.
- Ratio = (Width/height). Example: Product image had size (400px x 200px) => ratio = 400/200 = 2. You must upload all product image for website has ratio = 2.
- Read more about product image

I. AP Mixstore Fashion

STT Image Name Image Size Demo
1 Slideshow Image 874 x 541 (pixels) View image
2 Product Image 682 x 884 (pixels) View image
3 Banner Home Image One 279 x 231 (pixels) View image
4 Banner Home Image Two 499 x 170 (pixels) View image
5 Banner Home Image Three 350 x 170 (pixels) View image
6 Collection Image 870 x 240 (pixels) View image

II. AP Mixstore Gift

STT Image Name Image Size Demo
1 Slideshow Image 1261 x 708 (pixels) View image
2 Product Image (Same Ap Mixstore) 722 x 722 (pixels) View image
3 Banner Home Image 1 387 x 200 (pixels) View image
4 Collection Image (Same Ap Mixstore) 872 x 239 (pixels) View image

III. AP Mixstore Moblie

STT Image Name Image Size Demo
1 Slideshow Image 675 x 370 (pixels) View image
2 Product Image (Same Ap Mixstore) 500 x 633 (pixels) View image
3 Banner Home Image One 279 x 231 (pixels) View image
4 Banner Home Image Two 499 x 170 (pixels) View image
5 Banner Home Image Three 350 x 170 (pixels) View image
6 Banner Home Image Four 279 x 428 (pixels) View image
7 Banner Home Image Five 1130 x 100 (pixels) View image
8 Collection Image (Same Ap Mixstore) 873 x 240 (pixels) View image

III. AP Mixstore CD

STT Image Name Image Size Demo
1 Slideshow Image 1920 x 600 (pixels) View image
2 Product Image (Same Ap Mixstore) 866 x 866 (pixels) View image
3 Banner Home Image 1 279 x 340 (pixels) View image
4 Banner Home Image 2 279 x 201 (pixels) View image
5 Banner Home Image 3 279 x 201 (pixels) View image
6 Collection Image (Same Ap Mixstore) 873 x 240 (pixels) View image

III. AP Mixstore Sport

STT Image Name Image Size Demo
1 Slideshow Image 1920 x 640 (pixels) View image
2 Product Image (Same Ap Mixstore) 800 x 731 (pixels) View image
3 Banner Home Image 1 280 x 340 (pixels) View image
4 Banner Home Image 2 873 x 294 (pixels) View image
6 Collection Image (Same Ap Mixstore) 873 x 240 (pixels) View image

I. Install theme

If you are new with Shopify. We advise reading and familiarizing yourself with the Shopify Manual.

1. To install the theme, log in to your Shopify store and go to the Themes. From there, click on Upload a Theme and upload the .zip file from the ‘upload’ folder included with this package.

Upload theme

Upload theme

2. In this step, you select button Publish theme what you have just upload.

Upload theme

Upload theme

II. Install Apps

1. Product Review
To enable product review, please install app: Product Review made by Shopify

Get App - Product Reviews

2. Ap Quick View
To enable Quickview, please install app: AP Quick View made by Apollotheme.

Get App - Ap Quick View

3. Ap Wishlist
To enable Wishlist, please install app: AP Wishlist Pro made by Apollotheme.

Get App - Ap Wishlist

4. Ap Newsletter
To enable Newsletter, please install app: Ap Newsletter made by Apollotheme.

Get App - Ap Newsletter

5. Ap Multi Language
To enable Multi Language, please install app: Ap Multi Language made by Apollotheme.

Get App - Ap Multi Language

III. Edit Currency

- Goto: Admin -> Settings -> Gereral
- Scroll down to Standards & formats area, you'll see your Currency setting.

Upload theme

- You select Currency Formatting
- Change HTML with currency and HTML without currency elements in the dialog.

Upload theme

- HTML with currency

- HTML without currency

IV. Account

- Goto: Admin -> Settings -> Checkout
- You select Accounts are optional

Upload theme

V. Creat page

1. Contact us
- Goto: Admin -> Pages -> Add a page

Upload theme

Upload theme

2. Wish list
- Goto: Admin -> Pages -> Add a page
- After you've add page wishlist, You must go to Customize Theme -> Apollo Theme Configuration -> Wishlist. You can config Enable/Disable, choose page wishlist.

Upload theme

VI. Import Data Product Sample

- Goto: Admin -> Products -> Import
- In popup window, you selected file product sample import.

Upload theme

Below you can see a screen shot of the Theme settings area within the Mixstore Shopify Theme. 
The following values can be adjusted to customise the look and feel of your store.


Upload theme


Upload theme

- General Setting
- Header Style: Float style(Float Header, Float Top Bar), Header style list(Header style one, ...)
- Layout mode(Full width, Box large, Box medium,...)
- Image Size: System will get longest side of the image.
Ex: You add product image 500px x 800px and select Large(480px x 480px), Product image size is 300px x 480px
Ex: You add product image 800px x 500px and select Large(480px x 480px), Product image size is 480px x 300px

Upload theme

- You can config show more images

Upload theme

Upload theme

1.First step: You create main menu for your shop

- You can view more video guide: Guide Video Megamenu
- Main menu

Upload theme

- From Navigation at Shopify Admin, you choose Edit link list Main menu.

Upload theme

- This is list of main menu of your shop.

Upload theme

2.Dropdown menu:

a. Must identify what menu item has dropdown menu.

Upload theme

Upload theme

b. Create dropdown menu.
- From the Navigation in the Shopify Admin, create a new "link list". The title of this "link list" must match the name of menu item has dropdown menu (Item name of Main menu, We have identified above)
- Create Dropdown Menu. Admin -> Navigation -> "Add a link list"

Upload theme

Create a new 'link list'.

Upload theme


- Go to: Shopify Admin -> Themes -> Customize Theme -> Apollo Megamenu

Upload theme

- Must identify what menu item has megamenu

Upload theme

Upload theme

- In Customize Theme -> Apollo Megamenu, scroll to Megamenu item. Select "Enable megamenu item" and input name menuitem of Mainmenu has Megamenu.
+ If megamenu fullwidth, you must select "Megamenu Fullwidth". If not, you must uncheck and input width of megamenu.

Upload theme

- Each Megamenu has some elements as: Block links, Block Video, Block products, Block Html.
- To set up block links, you access to Shopyfy Admin -> Navigation to start

a. Block links
- You can config it. At Apollo Megamenu scroll to "Block links"

Upload theme

+) Active: You can active block links by Select/Unselect "Megamenu blocklinks enable"

+) Columns of block links: Choose the width of "Block links" in a Megamenu. (Columns bootstrap)

+) Columns links of block links: Choose the width of "List Links" in a "Block links"

Upload theme

- To Create Block links. Goto: Admin -> Navigation -> Add new link list

Example: Create Two Link List

1.) Mega menu

+) Name: Mega menu (Menu item has mega menu)

+) List Links: Shop by Women

2.) Shop by Women

+) Name: Shop by Women (Name of parent link)

+) List Links: New arrivals, Coats & jackets, Shoes, Jeans, Dresses, Knitwear

Upload theme

Upload theme

Upload theme

b. Block Video
- At Apollo Megamenu scroll to "Block video"

+) Active: You can active block video by Select/Unselect "Megamenu video enable"

+) Columns of block video: Choose the width of "Block video" in a Megamenu. (Columns bootstrap)

+) Megamenu video content: Enter CODE video form Youtube, vimeo ... or you can use shortcode Youtube.

Upload theme

Upload theme

c. Block Products
- At Apollo Megamenu scroll to "Block products"

+) Active: You can active block product by Select/Unselect "Megamenu product enable"

+) Columns of block product: Choose the width of "Block product" in a Megamenu. (Columns bootstrap)

+) Megamenu product title: Enter title for Block product.

+) Megamenu product: Select one collections for Block product.

+) Megamenu product number: Number product display in a Block product.

Upload theme

Upload theme

d. Block HTML
- At Apollo Megamenu scroll to "Block html"

+) Active: You can active block html by Select/Unselect "Megamenu html enable"

+) Columns of block html: Choose the width of "Block html" in a Megamenu. (Columns bootstrap)

+) Megamenu html title: Enter title for Block html.

+) Megamenu html image: Upload image for Block html.

+) Megamenu html description: Enter description for Block html.

Upload theme

Upload theme

- Goto Customize Theme -> Apollo Product Count Down.

Upload theme

- You can config Count Down display in Collection Pages or Product details Pages.

Upload theme

Upload theme

- You can create Deal Pages. Goto: Admin shopify -> Pages -> Add a page (Add new pages)

Upload theme

Upload theme

- Go to: Apps Shopify -> Ap Newsletter
- You can input Title, Description and Background image for Block
- You can config Social in Popup Newsletter.

+) Active: You can active Popup Newsletter by Select/Unselect "Use Popup Newsletter"

+) Popup Time Cookie: Enter the number of minutes that the popup will open up when customer visit the site

+) Popup Newsletter Title: Enter title for Popup Newsletter.

+) Popup Newsletter Message: Enter description for Popup Newsletter.

+) MailChimp Form Action URL: Enter Url action from MailChimp

+) Popup Newletter Background: Upload background image for Popup Newsletter

+) Social In PopupNewLetter: You can use social: Facebook, Twitter, Rss, Youtube, Google Plus, Instagram, Pinterest

Upload theme

- Configure it when you want to load animation effect in the website

+) Active: You can active Animated by Select/Unselect "Enable Animated"

+) Skin Animate Load : Enter effect for each Block.

Upload theme

- You can display slideshow on the home page. 

- Go to Themes > Customize Theme > Slideshow section. 

+) Active: You can active Slideshow by Select/Unselect "Active Slideshow "

+) Group Class: You can enter class for Block Slideshow

+) Max height slideshow: Enter max height for Slideshow.

+) Background Color: Select background color for Slideshow.

+) Animation Type: You can choose effect for Slideshow (Fade, Slide)

+) Navigator Type: You can choose Navigator of Slideshow, Disable or Bullet

+) Arrows Style: You can choose Arrows of Slideshow, Disable or Normal

Upload theme

- You can input title , description , link and upload an image when editing each collection.

Upload theme


1. Home Five Image

- Goto: Admin -> Customize Theme -> Home Page -> Scroll to block "Block Slide Banner"

+) Enable Block Html: You can active block by Select/Unselect "Enable Image html"

+) Source Image Background: Source of Image background.

+) Link a image: Input link for image.

Upload theme

2. Products Pro Tabs Homepage

- Goto: Admin -> Customize Theme -> Home Page -> Scroll to block "Product tabs"

+) Active: You can active block by Select/Unselect "Enable Product List"

+) Product List Display: You can choose two type carousel (Bootstrap Carousel, Owl Carousel)

_Bootstrap Carousel: Don't touch. Demo

_Owl Carousel: You can touch. Demo

+) Limit: Number product limit of block.

+) Items Per Page: Number product in a tab (page).

+) Columns In Tab: Number columns product

+) Interval: Time to play carousel

+) Title Product list: Title of block product

+) Collection Product List: Choose product collections.

Upload theme

3. Customer servive & Newsletter & Customer support

- Goto: Admin -> Customize Theme -> Home Page -> Scroll to block "customer service"

+) Active: You can active block by Select/Unselect "Enable block"

+) Title: Input text you want display in frontend.

+) Description: Input description .

+) Other: Input fied other for block

Upload theme

4. Home page Block video and Block Latest Blog

- Goto: Admin -> Customize Theme -> Home Page -> Scroll to block "Block video"

+) Active: You can active block by Select/Unselect "Enable block"

+) Title: Input text you want display in frontend.

+) Video content: Input content video display.

+) Video descript: Input description for video.

- Goto: Admin -> Customize Theme -> Homepage -> Scroll to block "Blogs"

+) Enable Blogs Home: You can active Block by Select/Unselect "Enable"

+) Blogs Home Title: Title block

+) About Shop Title: Title for Block

+) Blogs Home Display: You can choose two type carousel (Bootstrap Carousel, Owl Carousel)

_Bootstrap Carousel: Don't touch. Demo

_Owl Carousel: You can touch (Only have a row). Demo

+) Blog: Choose blog

+) Limit: Number blog limit to display.

+) Items per page: Number blog item in a page.

+) Columns in tab: Number column item in a page.

+) Interval: Speed carousel for block.

+) Show Image: Enable/Disable show image of blog.

+) Blog Image Size: Choose image size to display.

+) Show Created Date: Enable/Disable Create date.

+) Show Counter: Enable/Disable Counter comment of a blog.

Upload theme

5. Vendor Logo Carousel

- Goto: Admin -> Customize Theme -> Home Page -> Scroll to block "Vendor Logo Carousel"

+) Active: You can active block by Select/Unselect "Enable Vendor Carousel"

+) Vendor Carousel Title: Title of block

+) Vendor Carousel Display: You can choose two type carousel (Bootstrap Carousel, Owl Carousel)

_Bootstrap Carousel: Don't touch. Demo

_Owl Carousel: You can touch (Only have a row). Demo

+) Items Per Page: Number item in a tab (page).

+) Columns In Tab: Number columns item

+) Interval: Time to play carousel

Upload theme

- Config Item

+) Active: You can active Vendor Item by Select/Unselect "Enable Vendor"

+) Vendor link: Enter link for Vendor Item

+) Icon: Uploads image for Vendor Item

- Goto: Admin -> Customize Theme -> Product Pages

Upload theme

1. General Setting

- Goto: Admin -> Customize Theme -> Product Pages -> Scroll to block "General Setting"

+) Zoom Type: Choose product zoom (Zoom Inner or Zoom Window).

+) Enable Tab in product Detail: Enable/Disable Tab In Product Detail.

+) Enable Next/Preview product : Enable/Disable Button Next/Preview Product.

Upload theme

2. Social Sharing

- Goto: Admin -> Customize Theme -> Product Pages -> Scroll to block "Social Sharing"

+) Active: You can active Block by Select/Unselect "Enable Social Sharing"

+) Enable/Disable: You can enable/disable social sharing (Facebook sharing, Twitter Sharing, Google Plus Sharing, Linkedin Sharing, Pinterest Sharing).

+) Enable Image Product Page: Enable/Disable Banner in Product page.

+) Image: Upload banner in product page.

Upload theme

3. Product List Product Page

- Goto: Admin -> Customize Theme -> Product Pages -> Scroll to block "Product List Product Page"

+) Active: You can active Block by Select/Unselect "Enable Product List"

+) Product List Display: You can choose two type carousel (Bootstrap Carousel, Owl Carousel)

_Bootstrap Carousel: Don't touch. Demo

_Owl Carousel: You can touch (Only have a row). Demo

+) Limit: Number product limit of block.

+) Items Per Page: Number product in a tab (page).

+) Columns In Tab: Number columns product

+) Interval: Time to play carousel

+) Title Product list: Title of block product

+) Collection Product List: Choose product collections.

Upload theme

4. Product Related

- Goto: Admin -> Customize Theme -> Product Pages -> Scroll to block "Product Related"

+) Active: You can active Block by Select/Unselect "Enable Related Reviews"

+) Product Related Display: You can choose two type carousel (Bootstrap Carousel, Owl Carousel)

_Bootstrap Carousel: Don't touch. Demo

_Owl Carousel: You can touch (Only have a row). Demo

+) Product Related Title: Title of block product

+) Interval: Time to play carousel

+) Product columns: Number columns product in a tab.

Upload theme

- You can config Product per page, Product per row and upload collection image default.

+) Product per page: Number products in a Page.

+) Product per row: Number products in a row.

+) Use row for each product line: The product will still line up when you enter different product images size

+) Collection image default: Upload collection image default.

Upload theme

1. Blog social

- Goto: Admin -> Customize Theme -> Blog Page -> Scroll to block "Blog social"

+) Active: You can active Block by Select/Unselect "Blog social Enable"

+) Blog social Title: Title of block (Maybe blank).

+) Blog social Code: You can input code or be blank. It's get default if blank. (You can input code Add this)

Upload theme

1. Blog Sidebar HTML

- Goto: Admin -> Customize Theme -> Blog Page -> Scroll to block "Blog Sidebar"

+) Active: You can active Block by Select/Unselect "Block Html Enable"

+) Block Html Title: Title of block (Maybe blank).

+) Block Html Description: Description for block. You can use HTML.

+) Block Html Image: Upload image for block HTML

+) Block Html Link: Input link for Image

Upload theme

Go to Themes > Customize Theme > Cart Pages section.

Upload theme

Go to Themes > Customize Theme > Block Currrencies section.

Upload theme

You can custom checkout page with option : logo , background-color ...

Go to Themes > Customize Theme > Checkout section.

Upload theme

1. Banner

- Goto: Admin -> Customize Theme -> Checkout -> Scroll to block "Banner"

+) Use a custom background: You can Enable/Disable Use a custom background.

+) Background image: Upload custom background if you use it.

+) Background color: Background color for checkout page.

Upload theme

2. Logo

- Goto: Admin -> Customize Theme -> Checkout -> Scroll to block "Logo"

+) Image: You can choose logo for checkout page. There are type: None, Custom, Storefront

+) Custom image: Upload custom logo if you choose Custom.

+) Tagline: Text under your logo.

Upload theme

2. Colors

- Goto: Admin -> Customize Theme -> Checkout -> Scroll to block "Colors"

+) Accents : You can change code color for /p>

+) Custom image: Upload custom logo if you choose Custom.

+) Call to action: Text under your logo.

Upload theme

- Goto: Admin -> Customize Theme -> Apollo Vertical Megamenu

Upload theme

1. General Setting

- Goto: Admin -> Customize Theme -> Apollo Vertical Megamenu -> Scroll to block "General Setting"

+) Active: You can active Block by Select/Unselect "Enable Vertical Megamenu"

+) Vertical Menu Link List: Select link list for vertical menu. (Create Link List. Goto: Admin -> Navigation -> Add a link list)

+) Vertical Menu Title: Title of block.

Upload theme

2. Color

- Goto: Admin -> Customize Theme -> Apollo Vertical Megamenu -> Scroll to block "Color"
- You can config color for Vertical Menu (Background, Link color, Link color hover, ...)

Upload theme

3. Icon Menu Item

- Goto: Admin -> Customize Theme -> Apollo Vertical Megamenu -> Scroll to block "Icon Menu Item"

+) Active: You can use icon by Select/Unselect "Icon Menu Enable"

+) Icon Menu Color: Color of icon (If use Font Awesome).

+) Icon Awesome Menu: Use Font Awesome Icon. You can input name icon (Ex:"truck").

+) Icon Image Menu: If you don't use Font Awesome Icon, You can use image icon. Enable Icon Image Menu to use image icon.

+) Icon Image: Upload image icon.

- Note: There are 10 menu icon corresponding 10 menu item

Upload theme

4. Menu item description

- Goto: Admin -> Customize Theme -> Apollo Vertical Megamenu -> Scroll to block "Menu item description"

+) Menu item description: Description for menu item.

- Note: There are 10 description corresponding 10 menu item

Upload theme


- Goto: Admin -> Customize Theme -> Apollo Vertical Megamenu -> Scroll to block "MEGAMENU ITEMS"
Similar to the config of Apollo Megamenu Click here.

Upload theme

- Goto: Admin -> Customize Theme -> Apollo Google map

+) Active: You can active Block by Select/Unselect "Enable Google Map in home page"

+) Google map title: Title of Block Google map.

+) Zoom: Select a level zoom

+) Location Item

-) Shop Name: Enter Shop Name

-) Shop Address: Enter Shop Address

-) Shop Latitude: Enter Shop Latitude

-) Shop Longitude: Enter Shop Longitude

Upload theme