Bicmart Store

Bigcommerce Responsive Theme - Userguide


Here are some basics on installing, configuring and customizing the Bicmart Store,


The theme and the sample data is provided "as is". Customizing code and other design related issues can be done as freelance work on a $50-100 hourly rate only with Paypal and/or Skrill, if Bicmart Store's available. If you are new to Bigcommerce, please understand I cannot fix your site for free. Apollotheme would love to help everyone but there is no time. I suggest reading documentation available online regarding using Bigcommerce, server requirements, etc.

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Have a wonderful rest of your day!

Apollotheme Team


Responsive Bigcommerce theme "Bicmart Store" is an elegant eCommerce Bigcommerce Bicmart theme that charms your stores with the professional design, a sleek layout and functional features. The site makeover is well suited for Bicmart stores about clothing, shoes, glasses and accessories.
At the first glance, you may fall for the beautiful imagery display of "Bicmart Store" which is catchy, smooth and mostly animated. "Bicmart Store" supports responsive web design along with Off-canvas menu for mobile device accessibility."Bicmart Store" also settings to get your store in multiple store views.

Getting Started

Getting up and running with Providence is quick and easy. Simply create a Bigcommerce account, purchase the theme and upload it. You'll then have the opportunity to customize it to your liking before publishing it as your main theme.
If that sounds like a lot, don't worry… each step is outlined in detail below and it's entirely possible to go from scratch to a store running Providence in under ten minutes!

Purchasing Providence

You could buy theme at providers such as: ThemeForest , Apollotheme ...

Installing Providence

After you have followed the 'Purchasing Providence' steps above, you can download your theme and easily install your own theme for your online store based on our guideline below.


- Below is the image size we used in demo (You can refer them to build your website)
- You must upload/import images had the same size. The product’s image must had the same ratio.
- Ratio = (Width/height). Example: Product image had size (400px x 200px) => ratio = 400/200 = 2. You must upload all product image for website has ratio = 2.

AP Bicmart Store

Note: For display perfectly on the webpage, you just need to follow the exact image dimension and steps we given below, if your current image does not fit, you can use
software like photoshop to crop the image to the given dimension. These are most typical images of Bicmart Theme:
Image Dimension
STT Image Name Image Size Demo
1 Slideshow Image 1600x350 View image
2 Product Image 800x775 View image
3 Banner Image 900x380 View image
4 Categories HOme Image Carousel 125x100 View image
5 Image Testimonial 100x100 View image
6 Blog Image 1900x780 View image
7 Vertical Menu Icon 20x20 View image

I. Install theme

If you are new with Bigcommerce. We advise reading and familiarizing yourself with the Bigcommerce Manual.

To install the theme, log in to your Bigcommerce

Upload theme

Upload theme

II. Edit Currency

Upload theme

Upload theme

Upload theme

Upload theme

Link Detail Here

III. Create page

1. Creating a Web Content Page
Go to Storefront Content › Web Pages, then click Create a Web Page.

Upload theme

Pages you created will be shown on the navigation menu.

Notes: Bigcommerce currently supports sub-menu for categories only, if you nested child page within parent page, child page will not be shown.

Link Detail Here

IV. Import Data Product Sample

- Go to Products › Import Products.
- Fill out your preferred settings under Import Details.Reference link:

Link Import Product

1.Create menu

Upload theme

Detail here

2.Configure Vertical Megamenu

- Go to Storefront -> My Themes -> Customize

Upload theme

Upload theme

Open lang -> en.json

Upload theme

- mega-category-id: id of category

Upload theme

- img-bg-menu: Icon Verticalmenu

Get link image

Upload theme

Upload theme

- width-dropdown-sub: Width of Submenu

Upload theme

Section Submenu

- on-off-menusub: Show/Hide Section

- col-menu-sub: Width of Section
Example: 12 = 100% ; 6 =50% ; 4 = 33% ; 3 = 25%

Upload theme

Section Products

- on-off-category: Show/Hide Section

- col-menu-sub-category: Width of Section
Example: 12 = 100% ; 6 =50% ; 4 = 33% ; 3 = 25%

- show-product: Number display product

- row-product: Row display product

Upload theme

Section Text and Image

- on-off-html: Show/Hide Section

- col-menu-sub-html: Width of Section
Example: 12 = 100% ; 6 =50% ; 4 = 33% ; 3 = 25%

- title-html-menu: Title of text

- content-html-menu: Content of text

- on-off-image: Show/Hide image

- alt-image: Alt of image

- image-html-menu: Link image

Get link image

Upload theme

Upload theme

Upload theme

Section Video

- on-off-video: Show/Hide Section

- col-menu-sub-video: Width of Section
Example: 12 = 100% ; 6 =50% ; 4 = 33% ; 3 = 25%

- title-video-menu: Title of video

- content-video-menu: Link video

Get link video

Upload theme

Upload theme

Upload theme

Upload theme

1.Carousel builder

- Go to Storefront -› Home Page Carousel to edit slideshow:

Upload theme

Carousel Builder

Upload theme

Select product:

Upload theme

Edit Time Countdown -> Select tab Custom Fields:

Custom Field #1 Name: countdown

Custom Field #1 Value: month/day/year hour/minute/second

Example: 12/31/2019 00:00:00

Upload theme

Edit Title: Edit theme files -> lang -> en.json

Upload theme

Edit Color Product -> Select tab Custom Fields:

Upload theme

Custom Field #1 Name: product_color

Custom Field #1 Value: Color code

Example: #000000,#ffffff,#cccccc

View color code in here

Upload theme

Upload theme

Edit Theme Files -> lang -> en.json

Upload theme

Get category Id:

Upload theme

Upload theme

Edit Theme Files -> lang -> en.json

Upload theme

Upload theme

Edit Theme Files -> lang -> en.json

Upload theme

1. Short Description

Upload theme

Put short description on top and close it with [tab]

Upload theme

Text under [tab] will go to section Description

Upload theme

2. Warranty Tab

Upload theme

Edit Product -> Select tab "Other Details"

Upload theme

3. Block Html

Upload theme

Edit Theme Files -> Products -> Turn it on

Upload theme

Edit Theme Files -> lang -> en.json

Upload theme

4. Product List Sidebar

Upload theme

"title": Title of Block
"title-button": Title of button
"url": Url of category
"show-product": Show product in 1 row
"row-product": Number of row

Upload theme

Full Document Bigcommerce